Merger & Acquisitions

Demirkılıç Law Office provides service on consultancy of law on merger and acquisition procedures and pursuance of the legal process. We give legal advice to solve the conflicts that is raised or may rise due to the sales of all or part of equities, sales or acquisition of own share of the company partner, merger, demerger procedures. Since these concepts have entered Turkish commerce life recently, it is significant to take measures previously for the conflicts that would probably rise and conduct legal procedures under supervision. Our Office gives legal service to the local and foreign investors in all the procedures of acquisition, sales and merger. In our Office, we give consultancy on stock transactions, use of pre-emption right, sales of stock and share, share option transactions, strategic partnerships, joint venture and all the transactions of investment alike.

Our clients are provided with legal Investigation and assessment within the scope of the so called transaction or natural and legal person and their assets, pursuance of all the transactions and company organizations for the compliance of the transactions, review the features of the management shares and follow-up their procedures. Besides taxation of the transactions, organization of the finance plans, applications necessary to be made with Competition Authority, management authority in private market and independent institutions, authorization and the pursuance all of these transactions are conducted by our office.

Our Office provides legal consultancy to our clients on their commercial activities, make predictions on the possible risks and manage risks and offer solutions for the conflicts that would rise, in order the objective of the company to be attained.